
New Year!

I went to NYC for New Year's Eve with my fam this year. It was crazy! We stayed in Princeton, NJ and then took the commuter train in to Penn Station. Then we had to walk up to Times Square. Unfortunately, we chose the wrong side of 7th Avenue to go up and try to get in. The line at 52nd Avenue was crazy, after we stopped at 3 or 4 other side streets to try to get to 7th Avenue again. But then the 52nd Avenue entrance was closed because it was "filled up." So we had to go up all the way to 57th Avenue. We got right in and ended up about 100 feet from the corner of of 52nd - where they said it was filled up. Then it was 6 hours of wait. Cold, no food, nothing to drink, nothing to do but wait.

The 6 hours were nothing I'd like to live again.

But the 10 seconds leading up to midnight, that was worth the wait. There were about a million people there. You could look down the street to Times Square and just see a sea of people, then you could turn around and right behind you was another absolute sea of people. Then the countdown... And there's all of these people, screaming at the top of their lungs, counting down the seconds. I didn't care about much else, really. "The Ball" was tiny, there was a little girl jumping around right next to us.

The feeling of having that many people around, all for one reason and one purpose, cheering their hearts out...it was incredible.

I'm not sure if I want to do it again. It was cold, and standing for that amount of time begins to hurt... But it was a good experience, and I'm definitely glad I forced my family to go with me!

Happy New Year!

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