
Grow up?

Maturity is a bitter disappointment for which no remedy exists, unless laughter can be said to remedy anything.
- Kurt Vonnegut

Can we just be adult-kids; the responsibility of children (none), but the perks of being adults? Is maturity a must? Cuz this...life...and this partial grown-up-ness...is not what it seemed it would be 10 years ago. It's definitely a disappointment.

Thankfully, this quote doesn't end or it would be a disappointment itself. Laughter has definitely been a remedy - the good times one can have in a grown-up world may yet be the best. It does remedy a lot, and I think it is the only cure, the only hope to combat the disappointment one finds in becoming "mature," whatever that really means.

So laugh a lot! Do things that make you happy! Whether it's Caps games or kids' books or video games, keep it up.

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