Just let me run. Just let me love.
Fell past a cheekbone hill
To a piece of her floor
The hope of the world
in an awkward spill
Oh she'd lie on her bed
and stare into harsh white light
and think that her heart's not right
'Cause love took her hand like a thief
took her heart like a robber
and the feelings that scare her
become her relief
Just let me run where I want to run
Just let me love who I want.
Just let me run where I want to run
Just let me love who I want.
In a flash a heart is slain
you have to ask in all this pain
Was your heart too soft?
Was your love in vain?
Was your kiss too weak?
Were your eyes too tired?
And much too young to be in love
Much too young to be in love
Just let me run where I want to run
Just let me love who I want.
Just let me run where I want to run
Just let me love who I want.
There are no rules for this love
Just keep your head and don't give up
Like all the fools who play it smart.
Lose your head just for your heart, just for your heart.
More musical usage of Blogger
Using Blogger for Musical Purposes
I'll explain the title of this blog at a later date. Hopefully this actually works. Right now, I just need to go to sleep...
True Soul Mates...?
~Elizabeth Gilbert
Huh. Maybe...
Stolen from one of my favorite blogs currently, goodmorningandgoodnight.com.
My Senior Year Bucket / Tassel List
I am seriously lacking motivation these days. Motivation for anything really. Maybe it's because it's because this has been a ridiculously long and stressful semester. Maybe it's the weather. Maybe it's the time change. I don't know what it is, but apathy is steadily gaining ground in my psyche, and this is very disturbing to me. Apathy is society's worst enemy. I rail against the apathetic nature of some of my peers. Yet, here I am, infected as they are.
So I'm going to try something to hopefully wake me up, get me back to myself and back on track. Rhya Moffitt, I'm using you for this one. In my stupor of apathy, I completely forgot about your tassel list until I was about to search for "senior year motivation strategies" and "senior year bucket list" came up before I could finish typing. Obviously I had to look at that, and I was kind of excited about some of the things that the person was going to try to do before they graduated. I thought to myself, "I need a Bucket List!" Then, I remembered. I had one, already started for me even! So I'm starting with (most of) your ideas, I've added a few of my own, but I need all of you guys to help me.
What should I do before I graduate from college? Here is what I've started with:
Ask someone to the Christmas Banquet.
Go to a midnight premiere of a movie.
Get a piercing or a tattoo or a funky hair streak.
Eat lots of Lucky Charms and oranges in Rhya Moffitt's memory.
Have movie night with Ashley Butler all the time.
Steal a book from the Library.
Swim or wade in a campus fountain.
Do something awesome for spring break.
Go to a Pro Musica concert.
Be spontaneous, all the time.
Go to an Acro show.
See how much you can steal from the cafe at once.
Go to Midnight Breakfast, dressed up, at Sonic.
Befriend someone unexpected.
Perform a random act of kindness for someone you don't particularly like.
Take a DC Duck Boat tour.
Fly a kite on the Mall.
Go to a rally and make a sign.
Run to the Washington Monument from school.
Watch every HP movie or every LOTR movie or Charlie Brown movie or Land Before Time movie in one day. Or do both.
Go to a Supreme Court hearing thing.
Buy a random item of clothing off someone. Not at a high price.
Play Washington D.C. Monopoly on the Mall.
Bike more of the C&O Canal (can't do all of it Mom, sorry.).
Buy an all-day metro pass and ride one of the lines end to end. Or don't buy an all-day pass, ride all of the metro in one day, and see how much it actually costs if you get out of the metro in the same place you got on.
Stay up all night doing something ridiculous with friends.
Finish (or restart because I think eventually I was persuaded to throw the original away after it lived in my trunk for 6 months...) jaimenudd and my Duct Tape Rainbow poster. Do you know, I still have a really little bit of yellow and green duct tape from that?!
Invent a recipe (dish, dessert, drink, etc.).
Paint something (canvas, cupboard, cup, etc.). [Trying to keep the alliteration...]
Take more photos.
Play [more] basketball.
I'm going to post this to my blog as well, and I'm going to try to keep record of what I've done and the stories attached to them. I need some accountability until I get my self-accountability and self-motivation back in working order.
Dear Reader...
Dear Reader,
Please do me right now. On the kitchen table. In your bed. On the couch. Hell, I'll even take the floor in front of the T.V. I don't care, I just need you to do me like I've never been done before.
Your Homework
Motivation, Motivation, wherefore art thou, O Motivation?!
For Those Who Wait
By: Fireflight
I just found these guys. I really like them. The lyrics to this song are good ones. The song is great too. Here it is.
This is for those who wait
Another day another waiting game
A little different but it's still the same
I am here but where's the one I'm longing for?
I'm having troubles feeling all alone
Will my heart ever find a home?
I want to hope but sometimes I just don't know
I know I'm not the only one
So you sing a lullaby
To the lonely hearts tonight
Let it set your heart on fire
Let it set you free
When you're fighting to believe
In a love that you can't see
Just know there is a purpose
For those who wait
I want to open up my eyes
I know that I'm in need is time
I'm growing stronger every single day
God, I'm gonna leave them to You now
Letting go of all my fear and doubt
I can't do this on my own, so I'll give you control
I know I'm not the only one
So you sing a lullaby
To the lonely hearts tonight
Let it set your heart on fire
Let it set you free
When you're fighting to believe
In a love that you can't see
Just know there is a purpose
For those who wait
The pressure makes us stronger
The struggle makes us hunger
The hard lessons make the difference
And the differences makes it worth the wait
So you sing a lullaby
To the lonely hearts tonight
Let it set your heart on fire
Let it set you free
When you're fighting to believe
In a love that you can't see
Just know there is a purpose
For those who wait
Let it set your heart on fire
This is for those who wait
Another really great song by Fireflight: Stand Up
Inception: Can't Go Back Now
Everything you needed done was done for you.
Now you do it on your own
But you find you're all alone What can you do?
You and me walk on
Cause you can't go back now.
You know there will be days when you're so tired that you can't take another step,
The night will have no stars and you'll think you've gone as far as you will ever get
But you and me walk on
Cause you can't go back now
And yeah, yeah, go where you want to go
Be what you want to be,
If you ever turn around, you'll see me.
I can't really say why everybody wishes they were somewhere else
But in the end, the only steps that matter are the ones you take all by yourself
And you and me walk on
Yeah you and me walk on
Cause you can't go back now
Walk on, walk on, walk on
You can't go back now
